This site is about Clarity and Rebirth, New Hope and Gladness. It is about Dolphins and Joy. The Earth and her Kingdoms. It is about Plants as Healers and Animals as Teachers. Interspecies communication and the evolutionary role of animals in the expansion of human consciousness. It is for those who would hear and know their own soul's longing for Truth, for Inspiration and Encouragement.
It is about the Song of Birds and the Sound of Silence. It is for my Brothers and Sisters in Light. A welcome and reunion with those who know Reverence for Life, and honor the words of Albert Schweitzer who said, "I am life that wills to live, in the midst of Life that wills to live."
This page will never be complete. It is like the unfolding universe. It will change and evolve, inbreaths and outbreaths weaving their magic amongst the Hearts of those who care - Sananjaleen